YoYoFactory Popstar Yo-Yo

YoYoFactory's Popstar yoyo is based on the shape of its big brother - the Protostar. The PopStar is pocket sized chaos! As the only yo-yo YoYoFactory's line-up that is super under-sized, the PopStar will give you a yo-yoing experience unlike any other yo-yo on the market! At an extremely affordable price, you get all of the amenities of a premium metal yo-yo in a small diameter pocket yo-yo. Quite possibly the best performing yo-yo at its price, you can carry the PopStar with you anywhere!
Important: this is an unresponsive modern performance yo-yo. Unlike classic yo-yos, unresponsive yo-yos do not come back with a simple tug of the string. You need to perform a trick called a "bind" to create enough friction inside the yo-yo to make it return smoothly to your hand. Learn more.
Weight (g): 66.5
Diameter (mm): 43.8
Width (mm): 32
Bearing Size: Size C (Large)
Response: CBC Large Slim Pad
Bind: Yes