YoYoFactory CZM8 Yo-Yo

The YoYoFactory Champion's Collection CZM8 yo-yo! Vashek Kroutil has carved a name for himself in the history of the European yoyo scene as the most dominant European player of our generation and the leader of the Czech yoyo scene. Performance wise it's perfect for high intensity tricks, horizontal play and is easy to control. The CZM8 (CzechMate) is among the absolute best yoyos its price range.
Important: this is an unresponsive modern performance yo-yo. Unlike classic yo-yos, unresponsive yo-yos do not come back with a simple tug of the string. You need to perform a trick called a "bind" to create enough friction inside the yo-yo to make it return smoothly to your hand. Learn more.
Weight (g): 67
Diameter (mm): 56.0
Width (mm): 43
Bearing Size: Size C (Large)
Response: CBC Large Slim Pad
Bind: Yes